
I met with Ariane as a birthday present on my birthday! She had told a friend something major in her life that came to pass. I had met Ariane before and felt I could trust her insights. I discovered Astrology has its own language with much unknown to me. I asked for an explanation and received it. A handout with a list of terms might be helpful to others in the future. I liked that Ariane took the time needed. She explored areas for more explanation in detail. Having visuals helped as I am a visual person. She overflows with knowledge! My Natal Chart or Natal Promise matches who I am and gave me insights and a deeper understanding. I am “the personification of my friends and groups to which I am a part!” My Life Path is still to happen. I do like that I have new beginnings upcoming even in my 70s! My Birthday Solar Return Chart contained surprises. Ariane reveals the challenges and the budding to flowering in honesty and clarity. I appreciate having this guidance as I go forward. A wonderful birthday gift!

Cindy R.